Mid-range Water Reducing Concrete Admixture. Plastocrete® -909 is a mid-range water reducing for concrete. It is concentrated solution based on Synthetic Polymer and Modified Lignosulphonate. Effective water reduction provides substantially improvement on strength either cement saving or concrete with fly ash up to 30% replacement.
DetailsSika® Plastocrete®-161 is a lignin polymer-type water-reducing admixture. Sika® Plastocrete®-161 meets the requirements of ASTM C-494, Types A, B and D admixtures. Sika® Plastocrete®-161 water reducing admixture provides an economical and highly effective means of reducing the amount of mixing water required to produce concrete of a ...
Detailsand permeability in your concrete. Sika® Plastocrete®-10 N meets the requirements of ASTM C 494, Type A, B and D admixture. USES Since Sika® Plastocrete®-10 N is calcium chloride free, it is recommended for use in all types of concrete including plain, reinforced, paving, precast and prestressed concretes. Sika® Plastocrete®-10 N is
DetailsSika® Plastocrete® Plus Author: Sika India Pvt. Ltd., 620, Diamond Harbour Road, Commercial Complex II, Kolkata - 700 034, Tel : +91 33 24472448, Fax : +91 33 23978688, Mail : [email protected] Subject: Product Data Sheet Keywords: Sika® Plastocrete® Plus 0200446 WATERPROOFING CONCRETE/MORTAR ADMIXTURE …
DetailsSika® Plastocrete®-250 Revision Date 06/18/2020 Print Date 08/21/2020 1 / 8 SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATION . Product name : Sika® Plastocrete®-250. Company name : Sika Corporation 201 Polito Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 USA . Telephone : (201) 933 -8800 . Telefax : (201) 804 -1076 . E -mail address : ehs@sika -corp
DetailsSika® Plastocrete® N AE is a concrete admixture in liquid form that acts as both a highly efficient plasticizer and as a waterproofing agent. Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions. Sika® Plastocrete® N AE provides the following properties: Improved workability without increased water content.
DetailsBeton Katkıları. Dünyanın en çok kullanılan inşaat malzemesi beton, Romalılara ve antik Mısırlılara dayanan bir geçmişe sahiptir. Betonun inşaatta kullanılan tüm diğer inşaat malzemelerinin iki katı miktarda kullanıldığı dikkate alınırsa, kalite, performans ve sürdürülebilirlik, sektörün gelişmesi ve ilerlemesi ...
DetailsReductor de agua con acción impermeabilizante. No contiene cloruros. Reduce notablemente la permeabilidad del concreto por su doble efecto de reducción de agua e inclusión de aire. Incrementa la manejabilidad de la mezcla, facilitando su colocación y compactación. Disminuye el riesgo de hormigueros en el concreto de estructuras esbeltas.
DetailsMid-range Water Reducing Concrete Admixture. Sika® Plastocrete®-910 is a newly modified of mid-range water reducing of admixture type for concrete. Sika® Plastocrete®-910 is designed for maximize utilization. of low binder content and cost optimization with fly ash 20-35% replacement.
DetailsSika Plastocrete Super 20kg. ₹ 2,070/ Pack Get Latest Price. Country of Origin. Made in India. Sika® Plastocrete® is a plasticizer admixture for concrete and mortar in liquid form that acts both as. a highly efficient plasticizer and waterproofing agent. Sika® Plastocrete® provides the following properties: Improved workability without ...
DetailsSika® Plastocrete® N. Aditivo líquido para hormigón que plastifica e impermeabiliza. Está exento de cloruros. Aumento permanente de la impermeabilidad al agua y de la resistencia al hielo. Mejora de la colocación del hormigón fresco en obra (permite reducir el agua de amasado). Mayor resistencia para una misma manejabilidad.
DetailsSika® Plastocrete® N (TH) is a liquid admixture for concrete that acts as a highly efficient plasticzer both water reducing and waterproofing effect on among cement grains. Improved workability without increased water content. Allows easier compaction leading to denser concrete and superior finish. Increased strength and durability.
DetailsSika® Plastocrete® R-6 is normally dosed at 200–800 ml per 100 kg of cement. Actual dosage rate required will depend on: Effect required (slump retention, strength, etc.) Quality of cement and aggregates; Water-cement ratio; Temperature; It is advisable to carry out trial mixes to establish the dosage required.
DetailsSika® Plastocrete®-250 may also be dispensed as an integral material during the regular admixture batching cycle, or into freshly mixed concrete in a Ready-Mix truck at the concrete plant or job site. To optimize the plasticizing effect, Sika recommends that the combined materials be mixed for 80-100 revolutions, either in the concrete mixer ...
DetailsSika® Plastocrete®-10 N is a new generation, synthetically manufactured, water reducing normal set admixture for concrete. Sika® Plastocrete®-10 N provides a more plastic and flowable concrete, greater uniformity, increased durability, and reduced shrinkage and permeability in your concrete. Sika® Plastocrete®-10 N meets the requirements of …
DetailsWater reducing and set retarding concrete admixture. Sika® Plastocrete® R-6 is a set retarding concrete admixture with plasticising effect. Substantial water reduction can be achieved without loss of workability. High slump retention. Improved workability without increasing water content. Increased strengths.
DetailsSika® Plastocrete® DM es un aditivo líquido reductor de agua con acción impermeabilizante para concreto y mezclas cementicias. Sika® Plastocrete® DM tiene acción plastificante sobre la mezcla, facilitando la colocación y el vibrado del concreto. Se puede aprovechar su efecto plastificante para reducir hasta en un 8% el agua de …
DetailsCharacteristics / Advantages. Plastocrete® Plus provides the following beneficial properties : Improved workability without increased water content. Allows easier compaction leading to denser concrete and superior finish. Reduced shrinkage. Improved water tightness. Chloride free - does not attack reinforcement.
DetailsA concrete / mortar admixture in liquid form that acts both as a plasticizer and waterproofing compound. Sika® Plastocrete® Plus provides the following beneficial properties : Improved workability without increased water content. Allows easier compaction leading to denser concrete and superior finish. Reduced shrinkage. Improved water tightness.
DetailsSika® Plastocrete® N (TH) May 2021, Version 02.01 0200820 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sika® Plastocrete® N (TH) Waterproofing Admixture for Concrete DESCRIPTION Sika® Plastocrete® N (TH) is a liquid admixture for con-crete that acts as a highly efficient plasticzer both wa-ter reducing and waterproofing effect on among ce …